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11 April 2024

The term “personal business” is used to refer to tasks or activities that a person or company handles on their own, like managing finances, managing household chores, or arranging appointments. It can also refer to setting up and running an enterprise of a small size based on your interests, skills and experiences as a sole proprietor or an individual.

While data privacy laws differ between states and countries, most have similar definitions of what is considered personal information. Personal data is defined in the CCPA as well as Connecticut’s law and other laws as any information that could be reasonably connected to an identifiable individual with the exception of data that has been removed from the database or made public. The CCPA also includes a section for sensitive personal data which requires more protection than other types of data.

It is essential to determine how much information your organization holds. The best method to accomplish this is to take an exhaustive inventory of all files, documents and folders as well as storage devices. This should include every desktop, file cabinet laptops, laptops, mobile devices, disks, flash drives and digital copiers. Be sure to check areas where sensitive information might be stored outside of your office. This is the case for employees’ homes as well as their work-from-home computers.

Sensitive PII should be encrypted both in the transit phase and in rest. It should only be kept as long as is necessary for business purposes. This includes biometrics, medical information included in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA) Unique identification codes such as passports or Social Security Numbers and employee records for personnel.

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